Madagascar’s stunning wildife has adapted to the diverse array of ecosystems on the island from arid and spiny forests to dense, humid jungles.  With habitat loss due to the activity of humans, Madagascar’s lemur species have become the world’s most threatened group of mammals. As a means of restoring the relationship between the people and the natural environment, Madagascar Biodiversity Partnership (MBP) has implemented several community-based conservation and development programs.

With our Candy Gram Fundraiser held at the zoo for staff members, we are able to help support this wonderful Partnership and spread kindness to one another.

Hoping to still help without buying all of the candy? All proceeds go to MBP from our AAZK Chapter.

Are you a zoo staff member who wants to purchase a Candy Gram for another fellow staff member? Click here to purchase online and learn more.

Candy Grams proceeds go to Madagascar Biodiversity Partnership

Help us fund a new exhibit for our Water Bugs that live in KZU!


Send a Toy

Enrichment is such an important part of our animals welfare both physically and mentally! You can help us by purchasing items for our animals to enjoy.


Become a Member of our Chapter

Want to learn more about ways you can help? become a member and be part of a community of animal care workers, educators and more.

Bowling for Rhinos

Each year the American Association of Zoo keepers (AAZK) sponsors fund raising bowling events around the globe  called “Bowling For Rhinos” (BFR) which also encompass other fun events such as Winos for Rhinos and more!

BFR funds support Lewa Wildlife Conservancy (LWC) in Kenya, Ujung Kulon National Park in Java, Indonesia and Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park (BBSNP) and Way Kambas in Sumatra via the International Rhino Foundation (IRF), as wells as Action for Cheetahs in Kenya (ACK), which shares a portion of the land mass with LWC. These sanctuaries not only save rhinos (and cheetahs) but also entire ecosystems – orchids to elephants!

For the 2024 Year we raised $2,093.48!! Thank you to all who helped and donated, it makes a huge difference.


Trees for you and Me!

Trees for You and Me is a tree-planting conservation program created through a partnership between the American Association of Zoo Keepers (AAZK) and Polar Bears International (PBI). Trees for You and Me was founded by former PBI Arctic Ambassadors from the zoo community who wished to initiate a fundraising challenge to plant trees.

Funds raised by local AAZK chapters and other conservationists from the communities are used in an annual granting program aimed to provide funding for tree-planting to areas of the world that have been devastated by deforestation.
