Professional & Affiliate Memberships

Are you a Full Time Keeper at Philadelphia Zoo or Adventure Aquarium? You are eligible to be a Professional Member!
Do you work at the Philadelphia Zoo or Adventure Aquarium in another capacity, or Volunteer? You are eligible to be an Affiliate Member!

Professional Members
Every year

Full-time Animal Keepers (including retired Professionals) *Price includes transaction fees

✓ AKF Subscription
✓ Vote in Board Elections
✓ Vote for Conference Host
✓ Committee Opportunities
✓ Hold Office at the Board of Directors level and more!
Affiliate Member
Every year

Staff, Docents, & Volunteers Supporters of the Animal Keeper Profession *Price includes Local Chapter Fee and digital payment transaction fees

✓ AKF Subscription
✓ Vote for Conference Host
✓ Committee Opportunities
✓ Hold Office at Chapter level
✓ Member Rates/Conferences
Local Chapter Only
Every year

Not sure if you are ready for an AAZK national membership? That's okay! You can join the local chapter and still be a part of meetings, social events, help at fundraisers and participate in professional development held by the chapter. Price includes transaction fee.

✓ Committee opportunities
✓ Hold office at Chapter Level

Are you a student looking to get into the field? Here are two great ways to get hands on professional development, fundraising skills, and learn about different conservation programs happening around the world. By becoming a member you have the opportunity to connect to people you may not have otherwise!

Student Membership
Every year

May be asked to provide Student ID *Price includes Local chapter fee and digital payment transaction fees

✓ AKF Subscription
✓ Vote for Conference Host
✓ Committee Opportunities
✓ Ability to Form Student Chapter and Hold Office